Finally! Total War is heading into XVIII century. With naval combat!
终于, “全面战争”的战火燃烧到了18世纪, 战场延伸至海面!
互联网You'll fight battles in the great outdoors in this upcoming sequel to Medieval: Total War.
你会在中世纪: 全面战争的续作中,在漂亮的室外场景里展开作战.
期刊摘选Empire: Total War will be the most accessible Total War game ever.
《帝国: 全面战争》将是最易上手的全战游戏.
互联网Empire: Total War will be the greatest and most awe - inspiring Total War experience ever.
《帝国: 全面战争》将带来前所未有的最伟大最令人畏惧的全战体念.
互联网All previous Total War games have dealt with a largely similar style of combat.
互联网Will religion play an important role in Empire: Total War?
在《帝国: 全面战争》中宗教是否将扮演重要的角色?
互联网Taking place of the Senate Total War the Pope will either be your idol or enemy.
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